Warwick Town Council has a Community Grant Fund, which offers a financial contribution to projects that are of benefit to community organisations and groups in the CV34 area.
The Fund contributes to the Council’s objectives of involving community representatives in identifying local needs, supporting the role of Councillors, and the representative role of the Town Council.
Grant applications up to £3,000 are taken to the upcoming Community & Cultural or Economic and Tourism Committee meeting for consideration. The committee may approve applications up to £3,000. Grants for more than £3,000, up to £5,000, must pass through committee approval and then go forward to the following Full Town Council meeting for final decision. We encourage applicants to have other partners, groups or charities supporting part of the project.
Before applying for a grant, please download and read the Community Funding Guidance Notes 2024 and Grants Policy
Community Grants: To apply for a Community Grant, please download the Application Form which is available as a PDF Grant Application or Word document Grant-Application and send the completed form to the address given at the bottom of the document by the appropriate closing date. You may only apply for one grant per Municipal year.
The closing date for applications is 10 days prior to the Community & Cultural or Economic and Tourism Committee meeting. Applications must be countersigned by the supporting Town Councillor (Section 6). The supporting Town Councillor must also complete the funding application form which can be downloaded as a PDF Grant-Application or Word document Grant Application and submitted at the time of submitting the completed application form.
Completed forms and any supplementary sheets should be sent to the Town Clerk:
Alternatively, forms can be delivered to: Town Clerk, Warwick Town Council, Court House, Jury Street, Warwick, CV34 4EW.
For any further advice please call 01926 411694