Temporary Road Closure – Cape Road

Warwickshire County Council made a Temporary Traffic Order closing D4100 Cape Road, Warwick from its junction with Northgate to the junction of Priory Mews, to vehicular traffic.

The original Order commenced on 25 February 2018 for a period of 18 months, or until the works were complete, whichever was the earlier.

The closure was required to facilitate carriageway resurfacing and lining works to finalise the construction of the zebra crossing. Due to unforeseen circumstances dates of this closure, as originally advertised, were changed and commencement of the works were further delayed by the recent inclement weather.

Works have now been rescheduled to be carried out between 09.00hrs and 15.30hrs on Sunday 15 April 2018, weather permitting. 

Pedestrian access to and egress from properties and land situated adjacent to the length of road to be closed will be maintained at all times. Vehicular access will be maintained where possible.

An alternative route will be signed and is available via: Cape Road, Upper Cape, Wedgenock Lane, Birmingham Road, Saltisford, Northgate and vice versa.

Warwickshire County Council regrets any inconvenience that may be caused. The team dealing with this Temporary Traffic Order at Warwickshire County Council is County Highways South (Tel: 01926 412515).