The principal function of a Town Council is to represent local interests at grass roots level and to promote and watch over the particular interests of Warwick.
Specific responsibilities of the Town Council are:
- The management, including grass cutting, weeding and tree maintenance, of closed churchyards, and war memorials. In Warwick the Town Council have also accepted responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of the Court House, (a Grade I Listed Building of Special Interest) which is used for events, private functions and as a Tourist Information Centre.
- The provision of certain local services including allotments, tea dances and social gatherings.
- Encouragement of voluntary initiative, including the management or oversight of charities, grant-aid to voluntary effort, the giving or sponsoring of entertainments, arts and crafts and tourism and expenditure on many different things considered to benefit the Town.
- Defence of local interests, with the statutory right to see all planning applications and make recommendations on them to the District Planning Authority. The Council is also consulted prior to the making of bye-laws and can represent the views of the townspeople at public inquiries and oppose private bills in Parliament.
- Guardianship of local traditions and rights, including the Annual Mayor Making traditions, the celebration of Mayor’s Sunday at St Mary’s Church, and the opening of the Warwick Mop fair. under this heading the Town Council retains, maintains and secures the Town Treasures: regalia (including the Charters and Black Book), two maces, silver plate and the Mayoral Chain.
More detail of these functions can be found in the Town Clerk’s document