Priory Road – Works Update

Warwickshire County Council’s programme of works in and around Warwick town centre are gathering pace with the first phase of the work now well underway. Warwickshire County Council are pleased to report that the works on Priory Road are progressing as planned and are being delivered to the programme timescale.

What has happened? 
The site works started with the set up of a temporary road closure and traffic diversion to help manage the flow of traffic during the construction stage and to allow the works to be carried out safely and more efficiently.

Works then began on the Priory Park side to remove the existing tarmac path and kerbs and to excavate for and lay new kerbs to construct the new wider foot-way / cycle-way.

Works then transferred onto the opposite side of Priory Road, to undertake localised foot-way widening, and to resurface the foot-ways from Cross Street to Northgate.

What will happen next?
Work is now focused on the junction with Chapel Street, involving installation of traffic islands and block paving, with works in the area expected to take around a week to complete.

The final phase of the Priory Road works will be undertaken over the weekend of 10th / 11th February (subject to weather) and will include laying a new road surface, construction of the speed reduction features including a road hump, raised junction section and speed cushions to complement the recently introduced 20mph speed limit. Finishing works include, putting down road markings and new traffic signs, which will be carried out after the road surfacing work.

As always, with any programme of road improvements, there is some disruption for commuters although Warwickshire County Council have put measures in place to help to reduce the impact at peak traffic times. Warwickshire County Council apologies for any delays caused to you on your journey to work. Thank you for your continued patience and co-operation.

The Priory Road works are part of a wider improvement plan for the Town Centre which will bring about improved traffic flows, provide better facilitates for pedestrians and cyclists and enhance the town centre environment.

For further information please visit