For the last two years Councillor Noel Butler, Chair of the Warwick Town Council Allotment Committee, has been holding discussions with a group of allotment tenants from the Percy Estate Allotments Site with the view to handing over the running of the site to the tenants to run as an association. We are delighted to report that after extensive research and consultation the lease was signed on the Thursday 11th February by Jayne Topham, Town Clerk of Warwick and Phil Borrill and Ian McCloskey on behalf of PEAS with Councillor Butler acting as a witness.
The name of the association is PEAS (Percy Estate Allotment Society) with Phil Borrill as Chairman, Ian McCloskey as Secretary and Pat Butler as Treasurer. There is also a very willing team of plot holders committed to helping with the running of the association.
Devolved management works well with sustained commitment from an association and individual plot holders and can bring many benefits – the association can raise funds for site improvement, be open to new members and new ideas and encourage the wider community with open days and activities. Membership of the National Allotment Society also gives access to affordable Public Liability Insurance and other benefits.
At a recent Warwick Town Council Allotments Committee, it was reported that a discount in rent over a three-year period will be granted to allow PEAS to build up a reserve. The Town Council manages three other sites in Warwick and will be entering into consultation with plot holders in the coming months with a view to moving them to self- management.
The quote from PEAS is as follows,
The PEAS committee are happy to have worked so closely with Warwick Town Council in order to facilitate our taking control of the site. We look forward to continuing our co-operation in the future as we expand our plans for the site, meet new challenges and improve our plot holders overall experience. PEAS welcomes new members, and a few plots are available at the moment. Budding gardeners can contact us via our new website (